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dawson city,yukon, canada

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sandra Red Fox
Red Fox commented on by sandra Canada12 years ago

I believe that she is eating a Red Backed Vole, the most common small rodent in this part of Yukon.(similar to a large mouse)

sandra Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by sandra California, USA13 years ago

i suggested it was an elegans, but seeing where it is from It could be another Zigadenus, the green hearts at the base of the petals is an indicator of this genus.

sandra Chocolate lily, checker lily, mission bell
Chocolate lily, checker lily, mission bell commented on by sandra British Columbia, Canada13 years ago

I belive it is F. afinis .

sandra Jacob's Ladder, Stinkflower
Jacob's Ladder, Stinkflower commented on by sandra Canada13 years ago

wanted to put this in the wildflowers of North America Mission but it woudn.t access my Missions

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