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Bernalillo County Open Space

Bernalillo County Open Space

We request that entries include the name of the site, and a description of the location within that site. Any notes on behavior of the animal, what it was doing at the time of observation, are very helpful. With plants, indicate whether just sprouting new growth, swelling buds, open flowers, etc. Weather, condition of habitat, any other notes pertinent to the sighting are useful. Sign in to join mission

Bernalillo County Open Space
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Website 3 participants 8 spottings

This project has two primary goals. One is to document all wildlife species, including plants, arthropods, reptiles and amphibians, birds, and mammals, that occur within Bernalillo County open space locations. The other is to create a record of the annual life cycles of these species. This would include things such as when migrating birds appear and when they leave, when they build nests and when the young fledge. When do different plants leaf out, flower and set seed? When are Coyote pups seen? We invite everyone who uses any of the county open spaces, to enter their sightings, and so contribute to our record of the wildlife around and among us.

Bernalillo County Open Space

Lat: 35.02 Long: -106.63

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PatrickWare LauraAgnesKowalchuk Vickbird
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