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0 0 Perennial Wildbean, Perennial Sand Bean, Pink Wild Bean, Pink Fuzzybean

Perennial Wildbean, Perennial Sand Bean, Pink Wild Bean, Pink Fuzzybean

by PucaKWinder, Georgia, USA

the other two leaflets. Seeds borne in a long slender

0 0 Bean Caper or Caltrop Family; Arabic: harm

Bean Caper or Caltrop Family; Arabic: harm

by Karan Raghwa‏Al Ain, United Arab Emirates

Perennial; leaves succulent, cylindrical; ...

0 0 Bean Caper Family; Arabic name - shukka', dhreima, álqa

Bean Caper Family; Arabic name - shukka', dhreima, álqa

by Karan RaghwaUnited Arab Emirates

Perennial, woody base; spiny, grooved, dark ...

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