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1 0 Striped grass looper Moth

Striped grass looper Moth

by Francisco RamírezVeracruz, Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, Mexico

2 0 Small Mocis Moth or Striped Grass Looper

Small Mocis Moth or Striped Grass Looper

by lgCostaNutCosta Rica

This moth measures about 1" round. It was ...

1 6 Alfalfa Looper Moth Caterpillar

Alfalfa Looper Moth Caterpillar

by SFShepLA, California, USA

1 inch. Bright Green, white lines on the sides and back. A dark bluish

0 0 Small Mocis Moth

Small Mocis Moth

by nexttogoneBandera, Texas, USA

AKA Striped

0 1 Small Mocis Moth

Small Mocis Moth

by nexttogoneBandera, Texas, USA

AKA Striped

0 0 Small Mocis Moth

Small Mocis Moth

by nexttogoneBandera, Texas, USA

AKA Striped

1 2 Small Mocis Moth

Small Mocis Moth

by nexttogoneBandera, Texas, USA

AKA Striped

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