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Lasura ગુંદા

Cordia myxa


It is a medium-sized broad-leaved deciduous tree. Common names include لسوڑا, Lasura, Assyrian Plum, Pidar, Panugeri, Naruvilli, Geduri, Spistan, and Burgund dulu wanan. It is found growing not only all over Asia but nearly whole of the globe, especially in tropical regions having the right type of geophysical environment. In the Indian subcontinent, it is seen coming up naturally and growing abundantly from Myanmar in the East to Afghanistan in the West. Its habitat starts at about 200 m above mean sea level in the plains and ascends right up to a height of about 1500 m in the hills. Keeping in view the numerous utilities of the plant it is widely cultivated in the arid zone too. The species is indigenous to China and is widely cultivated in lower plains and tropical regions. Though this plant flourishes well in deep clayey loam and sandy soils, it does still better in areas experiencing nearly 100 to 150 cm of annual rainfall.


The half ripe lasura fruit makes a tasty broth which is hot in effect as per Ayurveda practitioners. The fruit makes an excellent pickle too which is not so hot. In fact the preserve is quite affective against indigestion. Gunda pickle is an old traditional favourite of Gujarat and is of enormous popularity amongst all Gujaratis.

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Sachin Zaveri
Spotted by
Sachin Zaveri

Rajasthan, India

Spotted on Apr 20, 2012
Submitted on Apr 23, 2012

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