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Black-and-white Warbler

Mniotilta varia


Black-and-white Warbler (Mniotilta varia) - a migrant species foraging on the ground at Marathon, Florida. << The Black-and-white Warbler (Mniotilta varia) is a small New World warbler. It breeds in northern and eastern North America from southern Canada to Florida. This species is migratory, wintering in Florida, Central America and the West Indies down to Peru. ... This species is 13 centimetres (5 in) long and weighs 11 grams (0.39 oz). >>


Suburban: Marathon, Florida


The Black-and-white Warbler (Mniotilta varia) is a small New World warbler. It breeds in northern and eastern North America from southern Canada to Florida. This species is migratory, wintering in Florida, Central America and the West Indies down to Peru. This species is a very rare vagrant to western Europe, mainly to Ireland and Great Britain. This species is 13 centimetres (5 in) long and weighs 11 grams (0.39 oz). The summer male Black-and-white Warbler is boldly streaked in black and white, and the bird has been described as a flying humbug. There are two white wing bars. Female and juvenile plumages are similar, but duller and less streaked. The breeding habitat is broadleaved or mixed woodland, preferably in wetter areas. Black-and-white Warblers nest on the ground, laying 4-5 eggs in a cup nest. These birds feed on insects and spiders, and unlike other warblers, Black-and-white Warblers forage like a nuthatch, moving up and down tree trunks and along branches. The song is a high see wee-see wee-see wee-see wee-see wee-see, and the call is a hard tick. (credit:

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JackEng 12 years ago

Thank you! Your comments are appreciated...

Maria dB
Maria dB 12 years ago

beautiful little bird!

JackEng 12 years ago

Muchas gracias! Its plumage is very nice - and is just as its name says.

rutasandinas 12 years ago

Precioso plumaje

Spotted by

Marathon, Florida, USA

Spotted on Apr 25, 2012
Submitted on Apr 28, 2012

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