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red-tailed hawk

Buteo jamaicensis


restored wetlands

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ChristyHolland 12 years ago

Thanks! I's a long process...I agree there should be a better way. They are going to be changing the mission shortly...but they told me to go ahead and change the name and start asking people to join...

AnnaWhipkey 12 years ago

Ok Christy, I've added it. There ought to be an easier way to add past spottings to new missions. I have about 50 hawks, eagles, and vultures. Your mission is not showing up in my global or local mission list.

ChristyHolland 12 years ago

Nice spotting Anna! We now have a "Raptors of North America" mission and I'd love you to join and add this spotting and any other raptors you have! Thanks!

Spotted by

West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

Spotted on May 18, 2012
Submitted on May 22, 2012

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