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Royal Tern

Sterna maxima


has an orange-red bill, pale grey upper parts and white under parts. Its legs are black. In winter, the black cap becomes patchy.Juvenile Royal Terns are similar to non-breeding adults. Differences include juveniles having black splotched wings and a yellower bill. An adult Royal Tern has an average wingspan of 130 centimetres (51 in), for both sexes, but their wingspan can range from 125–135 cm (49–53 in). The Royal Tern's length ranges from 45–50 cm. (18–20 in) and their average weight is anywhere from 350–450 grams (12–16 oz). The calls of the Royal Tern are usually short, clear shrills. Some of the shrills sound like kree or tsirr; the Royal Tern also has a more plover like whistle that is longer, rolling and is more melodious. .


In the Americas the Royal Terns on the east coast, during the breeding season(April–July), occur in the US north to Virginia, occasionally drifting north to Maryland.


@ Shell Key Preserve. Conservation status: Least Concern. The Royal tern is one of the species addressed in the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Water Birds (AEWA) ( 255 species in 64 countries in Africa and Eurasia, that depend on wetlands for part of their life)

1 Species ID Suggestions

Ava T-B
Ava T-B 12 years ago
Royal Tern
Sterna maxima Royal Tern

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1 Comment

tibiprada 12 years ago

Ava T-B: Yes .. right on ! Thank you

Spotted by

Islamorada, Florida, USA

Spotted on May 13, 2012
Submitted on May 15, 2012

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