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Ridged carrion beetle

Oiceoptoma inaequale


All black, with strong ridges on elytra. Ventral side of elytra are a bright, metallic blue, shining in flight. Elytra are held up in the manner of a butterfly's wings while in flight. This gives a protean, "disappearing" effect as the beetle lands. The bright blue color is reminiscent of the Pipevine Swallowtail mimicry complex. (information from BugGuide)


Suburban backyard


We have several bird nests in and around the backyard and every once in a while I will find a dead fledgling. As I went to move this particular bird carcass before the dogs got to it, I had to peek and see what was on it. I'm a carrion beetle fan, you see. :-) It had the usual flies milling around and maggots squirming in and out of openings in the flesh. As I rolled it over, there was a lone carrion beetle gripping onto the feathers. Of course I ran inside to get my camera! I didn't get great shots of it but I think I captured enough to narrow down an ID. If you look at the final image, you can see a small touch of blue coloration on the beetle's side that's mentioned in the description above.

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Bartlesville, Oklahoma, USA

Spotted on May 13, 2012
Submitted on Jun 8, 2012

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