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Raccoon (Procyon lotor)


Two baby raccoons we found in our garage scared and orphaned. We had some construction by our house and we cannot find the mom anywhere. They are just about a month or two old. Just recently got their teeth in and eating solids. We called everywhere we could and no places here will take them in or help us. So I built them a habitat and raising them until we can set them free again. Not petting them too much and falling in love with them is sooo hard.


Woodlands, next to rivers, streams and lakes. In most of North America.

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1 Comment

Tarzi_Rulz 12 years ago

OMG they are so cute!

Spotted by

Kevil, Kentucky, USA

Spotted on Jun 6, 2012
Submitted on Jun 10, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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