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Stout-billed Cinclodes

Cinclodes excelsior


It is found in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical high-altitude shrubland and subtropical or tropical high-altitude grassland. (Wikipedia)


There were a few of these birds in the high altitude Antisana Ecological Reserve, Ecuador.

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Tom15 10 years ago

Cody we didn't see the seed snipe, and it looks like a real nice bird. But no complaints, there were a lot of nice new birds for me:-)

Cody.conway 10 years ago

Hah, I was here exactly one week after you, photographing this same bird :-) Did you get the seed snipe?

Spotted by

Provincia de Napo, Ecuador

Spotted on Nov 25, 2013
Submitted on Dec 20, 2013

Spotted for Mission

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