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House Sparrow (female)

Passer domesticus


A small bird, females and young birds are coloured pale brown and grey, and males have brighter black, white, and brown markings.All of the House Sparrow's vocalisations are variations on its short and incessant chirping call, this note is made as a contact call by flocking or resting birds, or by males to proclaim nest ownership and invite pairing. This call is also used by females in the breeding season, to establish dominance over males while displacing them to feed young or incubate eggs.The House Sparrow is monogamous, and typically mates for life.Males may sometimes have multiple mates, and bigamy is mostly limited by aggression between females.


The House Sparrow originated in the Middle East and spread, along with agriculture, to most of Eurasia and parts of North Africa. It now occurs almost continuously from Tierra del Fuego to the fringes of Amazonia, with isolated populations as far north as coastal Venezuela. The extent of its range makes it the most widely distributed wild bird on the planet, due to its early adaptation to living with humans, and its adaptability to a wide range of conditions.The formation of a pair and the bond between the two birds is tied to the holding of a nest site, though paired House Sparrows can recognise each other away from the nest.


@ Miami Airport . It has reached most of the world, due chiefly to deliberate introductions, but also through natural dispersal and shipborne travel. In many parts of the world it has become a pest, and a threat to native bird species.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Liam 11 years ago
House Sparrow (female)
Passer domesticus House Sparrow

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tibiprada 11 years ago

Thanks, Liam !

tibiprada 11 years ago

patty; thanks, yes, it did..

patty 11 years ago

Cute; I hope the house sparrow could get out and take off like the planes ;)

Spotted by

Miami, Florida, USA

Spotted on Jun 18, 2012
Submitted on Jun 23, 2012

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