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White-lined sac-winged bat

Sacopteryx bilineata


Small brown bat with small little "s" mars on its back.


Amazon Rainforest, roosting in the thatch roof of the ACTS Field Station walkway


We commonly see these bats roosting in the thatched roofs of the lodges and field stations we use for our Amazon Workshop programs. According to "Neotropical Mammals: A Field Guide," second edition: They feed on small to tiny insects including moths. They fly in "beats" and forage along the same path again and again. They prefer opensins in the forest, forest edges, and are know to fly through open thatched buildings. They roost in small groups - prefering hollow trees or cave like cavities between giant buttresses of large canopy trees. They are also know to roost under bridges or under the outer eaves of houses in the forest. If you watch at dawn or dusk you can sometimes see the males defending their territories and their harems from other males in the area.

1 Species ID Suggestions

bayucca 11 years ago
White-lined Sac-winged Bat
Saccopteryx bilineata Greater sac-winged bat

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AmazonWorkshops 11 years ago

I cross referenced this with other photos taken at the same time and in the same location. Collectively they match the description provided by Emmons and Feer in Neotropical Rainforest Mammals, second edition. I think we are good to go with your recommendation for species ID. Thanks! :-)

bayucca 11 years ago

That's why I recommand to verify ;-)... Unfortunately you can't see the white lines on the back very clearly.

AmazonWorkshops 11 years ago

Thanks bayucca - I just recieved the latest edition of Neotropical Mammals: A Field Guide (Emmons and Feer). I'll do a little digging around too. I remember the guides telling me it was a sac winged bat, but they weren't sure what kind. The Amazon is a challenge - even when it comes to mammals!

bayucca 11 years ago

Need to be verified!

Spotted by

Iquitos, Peru

Spotted on Jun 30, 2012
Submitted on Jun 30, 2012

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