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Styrian chicken

Gallus gallus domesticus


Two weeks later. Whole chicken family. On these pictures you can see rooster (brown, reddish, yellow feathers with green tail, red comb), hens (brown, red comb or hair on top of the head) and chicks (now, after a month they have different shades of brown feathers; their heads are still shaped as it was when they were few days younger; they are really quick and curious). You can read more about how they should look in description, if you follow the link in reference bar.




This breed, as I have noticed, cannot be found on wikipedia amongst breed types, but is authentic in Slovenia, that's why it's called "styrian" or "štajerska" , because it comes from a part called "Styria"/"Štajerska", which is in Slovenia. You can read more about history and species of this breed if you follow reference link.

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Spotted on Jul 5, 2012
Submitted on Jul 7, 2012

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