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Darter (female)

Anhinga melanogaster


With it's body submerged & only its head & neck above the surface, the dater resembles a snake rising from the water-hence one of its popular names, snake-bird. Darters often swim almost wholly submerged. The daters plumage does not repel water & the birds are often seen standing with wings outstretched, drying in the sun. The dater does not swim after it's food, but stalks its prey or waits for it to come close. As the target approaches, the bird holds it's neck in an S-shape, then darts its head forward & spears the victim on its sharp-pointed bill. Fish is the main food of darters, though they also eat small turtles, water insects & plants.


Found on lakes, rivers, swamps & estuaries.

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QLD, Australia

Spotted on Aug 14, 2012
Submitted on Aug 16, 2012

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