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Black Redstart/Colirrojo tizón

Phoenicurus ochruros


The Black Redstart is 13–14.5 cm in length and 12–20 g in weight, similar to the Common Redstart. The adult male is overall dark grey to black on the upperparts and with a black breast; the lower rump and tail are orange-red, with the two central tail feathers dark red-brown. The belly and undertail are either blackish-grey (western subspecies; see Systematics, below) or orange-red (eastern subspecies); the wings are blackish-grey with pale fringes on the secondaries forming a whitish panel (western subspecies) or all blackish (eastern subspecies). The female is grey (western subspecies) to grey-brown (eastern subspecies) overall except for the orange-red lower rump and tail, greyer than the Common Redstart.


Seen in the Natural Parc of Peñón de Ifach, Calpe, Alicante.


I think the first four pics are of a female and the last is a male.

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The MnMs
Spotted by
The MnMs

Calpe/Calp, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain

Spotted on Nov 23, 2013
Submitted on Dec 31, 2013

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