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Barred Hawk

Leucopternis princeps


The Barred Hawk is one of the most distinctive members of the Neotropical genus Leucopternis. This species is entirely black above with a black chest, and fine black and white barring on the underparts and underwing coverts. It is resident in montane forests and foothills up to the subtropical zone from Costa Rica south to northern Peru. Its diet is very poorly known; there is one report of the Barred Hawk feeding on reptiles, although it is likely that its diet is more varied. It is most often seen in soaring flight over montane forests, when it is best identified by its large size and contrast between the dark chest and the paler underparts. (Cornell)


When I first spotted this large hawk I came around a corner on a trail and the bird was on the ground up ahead of me. It immediately took flight and flew directly over me about 20 feet up with a snake in its talons. A few minutes later I spotted it soaring above still carrying the snake.

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Mindo, Provincia de Pichincha, Ecuador

Spotted on Dec 1, 2013
Submitted on Dec 25, 2013

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