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Brown Clipper

Parthenos sylvia (maybe philippensis)


The Clipper is a fast flying butterfly and has a habit of flying with its wings flapping stiffly between the horizontal position and a few degrees below the horizontal. It may glide between spurts of flapping. The Clipper is a powerful and fast flying butterfly. The flight consists of short periods of gliding, alternating every few seconds with shallow but rapid flickering wing beats. Both sexes commonly nectar at Lantana and other flowers. Males will also settle on the ground to imbibe moisture. If disturbed they fly up immediately, circle around at a height of about 3 metres, and then resettle nearby.


This species is found in primary rainforest, usually in the vicinity of rivers, at elevations between sea level and about 300 metres.


This series of butterflies were spotted in a Butterfly Pavilion in Denver, Colorado, USA.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Clipper Butterflt
Parthenos sylvia

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pamsai 11 years ago

thanks sheka for the ID. I had also spotted one when I was in a butterfly house in Spain.

shekainah d. alaban
shekainah d. alaban 11 years ago

sorry there's been a typographic error on the ID - its Butterfly not butterflt. needs help from the rangers!

Spotted by

Denver, Colorado, USA

Spotted on Aug 24, 2012
Submitted on Aug 25, 2012

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