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Cluster Fig Tree

Ficus racemosa


The tree is very wide with a lot of branches going everywhere. Lots of green figs are growing on the branches and bark of the tree. The figs are about 4cm tall and 3cm wide. The figs have no particular smell. The bark on the tree feels rough and a little dry. The figs are smooth and slightly bumpy. The inside of the fig is smooth but also bumpy due to the seeds inside. Around 50 to 100 figs at the time the picture was taken (6th March 2015).


This tree was found in the Singapore American School Secondary Tropical Rainforest. It was found towards the end of the rainforest, in the middle of two paths.

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Singapore American School
Spotted by a stud ent at Singapore American School


Spotted on Mar 9, 2015
Submitted on Mar 9, 2015

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