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Lesser Dart Butterfly

Potanthus omaha


This is a skipper butterfly that i found on the wall of my house. This butterfly is brownish-black in color, and its wings has some yellow spots. Its forewings was held at 45°, and the hindwings in a horizontal plane. The size of this butterfly is about 13 mm in length.


- Spotted on the wall of my house. Usually, it can be found around the grassy habitats, garden, and bushes (especially in the noon).


- This skipper butterfly is from the Hesperiidae family. This species is found in Indochina, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, and Sulawesi. Thanks to Bayucca for the ID.

1 Species ID Suggestions

bayucca 10 years ago
Lesser Dart
Potanthus omaha Potanthus omaha

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Lanzz 10 years ago

Thanks Bayucca for the ID.

Spotted by


Spotted on Jan 24, 2014
Submitted on Jan 24, 2014

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