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Crescent Butterfly


After a lot of looking through other pictures, I'm pretty sure he's some species of Genus Phyciodes. This was the best picture I could get of him, so no great shots of the insides of the wings to check the patterns. If you have other suggestions, let me know!

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HenryTM82 10 years ago

Yeah, I see about three or four different species of Crescent he could be. I was trying to get closer to get a better angle (this is zoomed in from about seven feet away) but the second I got within about five feet of him he flew off lol

Thanks though, that's more specific than I was able to get on my own :)

ForestDragon 10 years ago

I believe this is a species of Crescent. However, without a full view of the inside of the wings it may not be possible to figure out the species. Check this out on Bugguide:

Spotted by

Kansas, USA

Spotted on Aug 13, 2013
Submitted on Jan 24, 2014

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