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Blue-margined Ground Beetle

Pasimachus elongatus/ Pasimachus depressus


There were several of these scurrying across the dirt road. All going the same direction! (odd....) They are FAST! They have some wicked-looking mandibles that this fellow that I managed to catch didn't seem afraid to use. The thorax has a little rolled-up rim around the edges, all surfaces are smooth, and very shiny. Eyes are on the very edges of the head, and can be seen in the photo.


Transition zone between scrub and oak hammock. (More scrubby than hammocky).


I have found conflicting information about what these critters eat. Most sites I have found say they are carnivorous (which makes sense, considering how fast they can run...), but a few say they are either omnivorous, or vegetarian. Anyone able to give me more specific advice?

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MrsPbio 11 years ago

Well, I have found that my beetle is definitely carnivorous . He (?) is chewing down on a mealworm at this moment.

MrsPbio 11 years ago

I will. I'm using the app right now, and your link doesn't seem to work on it. I'll try it on my laptop tomorrow. :)

KeithRoragen 11 years ago

Nice. I'd love for you to add this to the Beetles! mission

Spotted by

Florida, USA

Spotted on Sep 24, 2012
Submitted on Sep 24, 2012

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