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mink droppings

Neovison vison


I had the most amazing encounter with a mink at work. A coworker and I were walking past a small and shallow lily pond when a mink appeared out of the water. It jumped up on a rock in the middle of the pond and began to eat a frog! We were only about 3m (10') away from it, was amazing to see it so close up. It jumped down from the rock, swam around a little and then jumped out of the pond right between my coworker and I. It went under a juniper bush, where we lied down on the sidewalk and were able to continue watching it. I made some sounds and it would look at us. It was curious and a little fearful. I didn't have my camera with me, but found some of its droppings nearby. I thought they were interesting enough to post.


urban pond


I found these droppings just shortly after watching this mink. I thought these droppings were really interesting. They were fresh yet dry and looked like no other droppings I've seen. They did not smell. I was hoping someone could shed some light on what it was eating. The second and third images are a little graphic, but show what was inside. The coworker I spotted this with came over after work that day. He left before I found the droppings and when I showed them to him, he said 'You brought this home?!' Hahaha!

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Dan Doucette
Spotted by
Dan Doucette

Niagara Falls, Ontario, Ontario, Canada

Spotted on Sep 26, 2012
Submitted on Sep 29, 2012

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