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White Ibis

Eudocimus albus


There was one adult Ibis and three juveniles feeding in this pond. The adult is all white with black wing tips. The juveniles are mottled grey. They have long down-curved red bills and red legs. These features distinguish them from the Great Egret with its straight bill and black legs. They are here year round.


The area had several small ponds with dunes near the coastal beach. It was late afternoon, early evening. These small ponds were near the destroyed boardwalk, but a new boardwalk was under construction. The last photo shows the old and new boardwalks and the state of the vegetation recovery near these ponds.


Sea Rim State Park is a 4,141-acre (1,676 ha) state park in southeast Texas. The park is located on the Gulf of Mexico in southern Jefferson County, south of Port Arthur and just west of Sabine Pass. The park was closed for several years due to extensive damage from Hurricanes Rita (2005) and Ike (2008). The park has recently re-opened but currently has very limited resources. Texas Parks and Wildlife was provided $2 million for the recovery of Sea Rim by the 81st Legislature.

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Port Arthur, Texas, USA

Spotted on Sep 24, 2012
Submitted on Sep 29, 2012

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