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Barn owl

Tyto alba


White wash (droppings) and pellets inside a barn where a pair of barn owls live.

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LennyWorthington 10 years ago

Nuke em

Wildifreq 10 years ago

The funny thing was the owner of this vehicle was complaining about the mess the owls were making on his car. He asked us for any suggestions on what he could do to prevent this from happening. I told him he could move the car (it was in a huge pole barn), or just throw a sheet or tarp over the car. He replied with, "Well, I just wish they wouldn't make such a mess..." Seriously dude, that's like the easiest solution to your problem and you'd rather sit there and complain about having a RARE owl in your barn instead of grabbing a sheet? *facepalm*

brodriguez20148 10 years ago

Ahh yes the barn owl in it's natural habitat.

Spotted by

Franklin, Indiana, USA

Spotted on Jan 23, 2014
Submitted on Jan 25, 2014

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