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Deadly Skullcap

Galerina marginata


The toxins found in Galerina marginata are known as amatoxins. Amatoxins belong to a family of bicyclic octapeptide derivatives composed of an amino acid ring bridged by a sulphur atom and characterized by differences in their side groups; these compounds are responsible for more than 90% of fatal mushroom poisonings in humans. The amatoxins inhibit the enzyme RNA polymerase II, which copies the genetic code of DNA into messenger RNA molecules. The toxin naturally accumulates in liver cells, and the ensuing disruption of metabolism accounts for the severe liver dysfunction cause by amatoxins. Amatoxins also lead to kidney failure because, as the kidneys attempt to filter out poison, it damages the convoluted tubules and reenters the blood to recirculate and cause more damage. Initial symptoms after ingestion include severe abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea which may last for six to nine hours. Beyond these symptoms, toxins severely affect the liver which results in gastrointestinal bleeding, a coma, kidney failure, or even death, usually within seven days of consumption.

1 Species ID Suggestions

JohnE.Ringo 11 years ago
deadly Galerina
Galerina marginatum

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1 Comment

LarsKorb 11 years ago

Thanks a lot for ID, JohnE.Ringo - eventhough it was "marginata" and not "marginatum"... caused a second of confusion. ;)

Spotted by

Sachsenwald, Schleswig-Holstein (Landmasse), Germany

Spotted on Oct 15, 2012
Submitted on Oct 15, 2012

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