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Groove-billed Ani

Crotophaga sulcirostris


I was taking pictures of the Great Kiskadee when this 2 birds came to the same tree branch, I think they are Groove-billed Ani?

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Yes, thank you Jellis.

Jellis 11 years ago

Once you make your ID don't forget to add the scientific name to remove it from the unknown list.

Thank you Jellis I will see the pictures a bit closer, to find out, it seems the Smooth-billed Ani has a larger/higher beak?!

Jellis 11 years ago

Oh and the scientific name for Groove-billed Ani ( Crotophaga sulcirostris )

Jellis 11 years ago

Could be a Smooth Billed Ani - Crotophaga ani which is spotted in Costa Rica.
Yours and I can't really see up close looks like it has a smoother bill then the Grove Billed species.
I found this comment that may help.
"Groove-billed Ani. The Smooth-billed is also pretty common in southwestern Costa Rica (and replaces the Groove-billed there), but the Groove-billed Ani is the one encountered the most because it has a larger range."

Alajuela, Costa Rica

Spotted on Oct 20, 2012
Submitted on Oct 23, 2012

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