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A Spiders Egg Sac


Arachnid: any of various Arthopods, of the class Arachnida, such as spiders, scorpions, mites, and ticks. Spiders lay eggs within a silken egg sac, that is often ball-shaped, and either hidden in a web, affixed to a surface, or carried by the female. Spiders may produce several egg sacs, each containing several hundred eggs. Know that most web-building spiders, make there egg sacs from loosely woven silk, which is most often, about the same size as the spider itself. Look for egg sacs underneath leaves, on top of branches, or in a spiders web. A few species, carry there egg sacs. The anatomy of spiders, includes many characteristics shared with other Arachnids. These characteristics includes bodies divided into two segments, eight jointed legs, no wings or antennae, the presence of chelicerae and pedipalps, simple eyes, and an exoskeleton, which is periodically shed. Spiders also have adaptions that distinguish them from other Arachnids. All spiders are capable of producing silk, of various types, which many species use to build webs to ensnare prey. Most spiders possess venom, which is injected into prey, or ( defensively when the spider feels threatened ), through the fangs of the chelicerae. Basic characteristics of Arachinds, includes four pairs of legs, and a body divided into two segments: the cephalothorax and the abdomen. Most external appendages on the spider, are attached to the cephalothorax, including the legs, eyes, chelicerae, and other mouth parts, and also the pedipalps. Since spiders don't have any antennae, they use specialized and sensitive setae on the legs, to pick up scent, sounds, vibrations, and air currents. Like other Arachnids, spiders are unable to chew there food, so they have a mouth part shaped like a short drinking straw, that they use to suck up the liquified insides of there prey. The abdomen has no appendages, except one to four ( usually three ), modified pairs of movable telescoping organs called spinnerets, which produces silk. A spider grows by shedding its skin ( molting ), usually four to twelve times before maturity. Virtually all spiders are predatory on other animals, especially insects, and other spiders. Nearly all spiders subdue there prey, by injecting venom through there fangs, which operate much like a pair of hypodermic needles. Some of the most common types of spiders in Florida, are: jumping spiders, crab spiders, argiopes, orb-weaving spiders, and wolf spiders. The southern house spider, is most commonly found, in and around houses in Florida.


Spiders can thrive in almost any place: on the edges of the ocean, on plants, under rocks, in trees, in caves, and even over the water. The only places that spiders cannot inhabit, are the oceans, the highest mountains, and the polar regions. Spiders are seen on almost every continent.


At 3:00 p.m. one afternoon, I went into the garage, to look for insects. I looked at one wall, and I found a spiders egg case, hanging from the wall, by about 5 or 6 strands of silk. The egg case, was a brown, papery, egg case. The egg case, was different shades of brown. The silk threads, were of a dark color. The egg case, was about, one fourth of an inch wide. The top of the egg case, was rounded, and the bottom of the egg case, was not as rounded. The egg case, also had short spikes, sticking out, from all over the egg case. The egg case was made of silk, and it had a papery feeling to it. It was a brown, silken, papery, egg case, attached to the wall, by strands of silk..

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1 Comment

MrsPbio 9 years ago

I will venture a guess.... Spider egg sac?

Spotted by

Florida, USA

Spotted on Apr 28, 2015
Submitted on Apr 29, 2015

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