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Crab-like Orbweaver, Spinybacked Orbweaver, Spiny Orbweaver Spider

Gasteracantha cancriformis


The spiny orb weaving spiders look like plant seeds or thorns hanging in their webs and are easily distinguished from other spiders. The male is smaller (1/16"-1/8") than the female (3/8") and seldom noticed. Spiny orb weavers have a broad, hard abdomen that can be white, orange, or yellow with red markings. There are six pointy “spines” protruding from the edges. The carapace, legs, and venter are black.


East Texas piney woods. Hanging between the railing of the second story and a tree, we used a white sheet to focus the camera.


The spiny orb weaver spins flat, round shaped webs in shrubs, trees, and in the corners of windows and similar outdoor areas of buildings. A new web is constructed each night to make sure that the structure is secure. Typically, adult females construct webs because male species hang from a single thread close by the nest of a female.

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Prairie View, Texas, USA

Spotted on Oct 27, 2012
Submitted on Nov 2, 2012

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