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False Parasol

Chlorophyllum molybdites


Large toadstools growing in mostly shade from dense leaf matter.


Deciduous undergrowth and leaf matter.


Rainy period. Some found growing alone, some found growing in close proximity to one another. As they aged they flared out larger and larger until they rotted away. The largest got to 11 inches in diameter before it disappeared.

1 Species ID Suggestions

gully.moy 11 years ago
False Parasol
Chlorophyllum molybdites

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AlexRowe 11 years ago

Thank for for the comment and the ID gully.moy!

gully.moy 11 years ago

In the first picture the mushroom looks like it's bruising a bright psilocin-cyan. I am quite confident however that it is instead the green spores of C. molybdites, illuminated to appear bluish.

Toxic unfortunately.

Spotted by

West Plains, Missouri, USA

Spotted on Sep 7, 2012
Submitted on Nov 21, 2012

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