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Great Crested Grebe

Podiceps cristatus


River estuaries.

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Thanks. All user Missions are local only (max 300 miles radius) except where approved by our founders. There are many users who think they can make theirs global just by saying so but this is not the case. The new 2017 Best Photo mission will of course be global and should be available shortly.

KostasZontanos 7 years ago

Thank you Malcolm! I didn't notice that it was a local mission. I will delete this spotting from the mission and I will try to find all other spottings I mistakenly added to this mission. Thanks again.

Hi Kostas, this spotting has been added to a Mission which was created by a NE USA user as a local mission for that area only. When you join a mission please ensure that you only add spottings which are within the range ring on the missions map tab. Local missions which collect spottings from outside their permitted range are liable to have their missions terminated. Genuine Global Missions are those listed under the Global tab only. All others are local except where authorised by the Project Noah founders in the instructions field.

Spotted by

Αποκεντρωμένη Διοίκηση Μακεδονίας - Θράκης, Greece

Spotted on Feb 6, 2017
Submitted on Feb 13, 2017

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