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Mallard Duck

Anas platyrhynchos


The female's plumage is multicolored browns, black and white stripes.They have brown heads.Their bills are orange and sometimes have black or brown markings. The male's plumage is white with black, green, brown iridescent like feathers.Their heads are a very dark green color. Their bills are dark yellowy orange. Both have orange legs.Webbed feet.


Tropical like climate. Near the Pacific ocean.

1 Species ID Suggestions

sarahaw1981 11 years ago
Mallard or Wild Duck
Anas platyrhynchos

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Telse 11 years ago

Thank you again sara1981.Good to know. This should help me.

sarahaw1981 11 years ago

That's ok, you might know already but just in case you don't. The common name can change depending where you are in the world, but the scientific name stays the same because every creature has a Latin name and Latin is the language of science.

With the Latin name (and sometimes with the common name) you can do a google search to verify any suggestions that people might make and chose the one you feel most fits your spotting :-)

Telse 11 years ago

Hello sara1981.
Thanks for the suggestion. I appreciate it. I'm not too up on the scientific names, I'm afraid. I will probably learn more, for joining this site. Open to all suggestions. Thanks again.
Cheers Telse.

Spotted by

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Spotted on May 20, 2011
Submitted on Dec 10, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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