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Killdeer (pair)

Charadrius vociferus


Killdeer have the characteristic large, round head, large eye, and short bill of all plovers. They are especially slender and lanky, with a long, pointed tail and long wings. Brownish-tan on top and white below. The white chest is barred with two black bands, and the brown face is marked with black and white patches. The bright orange-buff rump is conspicuous in flight.


As usual there is a pair along the edge of Lake Lewisville. It is cold enough this morning that they are more interested in feeding than running away from me and my camera.


Killdeer spend their time walking along the ground or running ahead a few steps, stopping to look around, and running on again. When disturbed they break into flight and circle overhead, calling repeatedly. Their flight is rapid, with stiff, intermittent wingbeats.

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Denton, Texas, USA

Spotted on Dec 4, 2012
Submitted on Dec 9, 2012

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