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Gladeye Bushbrown

Nissanga patnia


They are pretty butterflies with attractive colors and markings. male butterfly is considerably smaller and duller than the female. The upper side is dark amber-brown suffused with ochreous. There are two eyespots in the pre apical area. On the forewing, there is large eye-spot surrounded by a pale yellow band, and a very small eye-spot below the apex. The underside is beautifully sculptured with eye spots, silver lines and circles. Individuals from the wet season are more brightly colored than individuals from the dry season. The wings are bisected by a stripe and the outer half is marked with a series of eyespots of varied size and pattern.


It is very common in forested areas in the south center of the country. It can be encountered in the wet zone and dry zone.


It has a weak flight and always remains close to the forest floor. It is a shy butterfly and tends to retreat the undergrowth as soon as it is approached. It finds sprinkling of alcohol irresistible.

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NuwanChathuranga 11 years ago

Thanks Tom!

TomElliott 11 years ago

beautiful Satyridae!

Spotted by

Sri Lanka

Spotted on Dec 24, 2012
Submitted on Dec 27, 2012

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