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American Wigeon

Anas americana


Males have a pale brown body with a white belly and a gray head with a white crown and green eye patch that runs to the back of the head. The females are a lot more plain, but both sexes have a blue bill with a black tip.


Quite common, they breed in northern North America, then migrate to the southern half of the US in winter. They prefer open wetlands, such as wet grassland or marshes with some taller vegetation


Spotting 300 :)

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James McNair
James McNair 9 years ago

Nice shots, great bird!

Cody.conway 11 years ago

Great work on these captures! Ducks seem to not mind posing for you it seems!

AshleyT 11 years ago

Thank Liam, they are such pretty ducks! One of my favorites

Liam 11 years ago

Stunning spotting, Ashley! Killer shots (not literally, fortunately).

Congrats on 300!

Spotted by

Amarillo, Texas, USA

Spotted on Jan 8, 2013
Submitted on Jan 9, 2013

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