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Red tailed Hawk

Buteo jamaicensis


The most common hawk in North America.
The name came because of the red color of it's tail. Color and markings can be variable with subspecies. This one has head color reddish brown and dark brown with some white barring on back and wings. Pale white with brown streaks on chest, belly, legs and under wings. There is a patch on throat that has no streaking. Beak a dark gray to black.


They like forests and open fields with trees or poles for perching. But can be found in deserts, grasslands, coastal areas, farmland, urban areas and mountains.


I was checking a marsh and shoreline for more bird and this one swooped down in front of me. Didn't have time to ready my camera. When I found it's favorite perching spot I drove over to get some shots.

2 Species ID Suggestions

AshleyEbel 11 years ago
Red-tailed hawk
Buteo jamaicensis

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California, USA

Spotted on Dec 25, 2012
Submitted on Dec 25, 2012

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