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Tomato - Cherry 'Sweet One Hundreds'

Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme


Now September, and there still producing fruit. I had to pick about 200-300 that were left all the way until before the first frost; brought them inside and they all turned red, but not all at once, maybe a dozen a day, enough for a salad.

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namitha 11 years ago

This is another tomato plant in my garden, they are round, but I am not sure if they are cherry tomatoes or just the normal tomatoes which turned out to be round [rather than the usual oval], this year.

DaneCole 11 years ago

Never heard that kind.. I'll check that out.

namitha 11 years ago

Ca't imagine, such number of fruits in such a fragile plant. We also get to buy cherry tomatoes in our super markets but the one which is more common is the flavr savr variety with thick coat . The ones that have fruited this month here, I think it is cherry tomato,[ It is small and round but the coat is thick]. I will try to take a picture tomorrow.

DaneCole 11 years ago

Ya these are 'cherry' tomatoes much smaller, and this cultivar is recently new, it produces probably 300 fruits a season/plant!
I had 8 plants here, so throughout the season over a thousand cherry tomatoes easy.

namitha 11 years ago

The tomatoes in my garden also have fruits. Not so much, they have just started to fruit [just 2 or 3 fruits]

namitha 11 years ago

200-300 fruit, that's a lot, from how many plants.

Spotted by

Ontario, Canada

Spotted on Sep 23, 2012
Submitted on Jan 7, 2013

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