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Water Monitor

Varanus salvator


Water monitor (Varanus salvator) is one of the most widespread lizards in the country and is distributed from the coastal plains up to some parts of the third peneplain in the wet zone. Varanus salvator can attain total lengths of 3 meters, and is among the largest lizards in the world. The Water Monitor is an extreme carnivore. Hence it eats a large variety of small animals that it believes it can consume. Among some of the common prey are: birds and their eggs, small mammals (especially rats), fish, lizards, frogs, snakes, juvenile crocodiles, tortoises are turtle eggs. The primary hunting technique used by Varanus salvator, as well as by other monitors, is characterized by 'open pursuit' hunting, rather than stalking and ambushing. While hunting for aquatic prey, Varanus salvator can remain submerged for up to 30 minutes. Varanus salvator is semi-aquatic and has a wide range of habitats. They are frequently seen on river banks and in swamps. But it also inhabits anthropogenic habitats such as ditches in towns etc.

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Matara, Sri Lanka

Spotted on Jan 5, 2013
Submitted on Jan 5, 2013

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