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American Robin's Nest

Turdus Migratorious


Beautiful bright blue eggs.


Tropical like climate. Backyard. The Robin built the nest on the step of a short wooden ladder that was leaning against a wall, in the backyard.


I'm kicking myself for not taking a picture of the whole scene. I was more interested in the nest at time.

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Telse 11 years ago

I know what you mean. :)

Jack Settle
Jack Settle 11 years ago

That is unique. We had one a year or two ago in a tree of ours. I got some similar (but not as good) pictures with my point and shoot. I put it on a timer and set it on a tripod then reached the extended tripod over the nest (it was too far out on the branch for me to climb). That was before I had my DSLR.

Telse 11 years ago

Thank you Jack. Yes it was neat. I never saw a Robin's nest built on a ladder before.

Jack Settle
Jack Settle 11 years ago


Spotted by

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Spotted on May 20, 2011
Submitted on Jan 27, 2013

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