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Mallard Duck

Anas platyrhynchos


Mallard Ducks are common wild ducks that live in Northern Hemisphere wetlands. Males are brightly colored, having a green head, a white collar, and a bright yellow bill. Females are mottled brown with a brown bill. Mallards are about 20-23 inches long. Mallard ducks have a varied diet. They eat insects, worms, frogs, snails, slugs, small shellfish, grasses, and other plants that grow near shore.


Mallards prefer wetland areas. They build cup-like nests made of grass and leaves; they are lined with duck down (delicate feathers). Nests are usually on the ground in dense undergrowth.


We made a trip to the Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, a haven for migratory birds and other wildlife, lies in northwestern Grayson County, Texas, on the Big Mineral Arm of Lake Texoma, on the Red River between Oklahoma and Texas.

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Texas, USA

Spotted on Jan 23, 2013
Submitted on Jan 26, 2013

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