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Tufted Duck

Aythya fuligula


The lake Merritt Tufted Duck in full plumage. In the second photo you can see how similar and different these are from Scaup. It is also similar to the Ringneck duck. The maleTufted duck has a black back and white flanks and tuft of feathers giving it a look like a mohawk with a tail hanging down. Yellow eyes and a blue grey bill.


In the winter this one prefers to spend time with the Scaup in bay fed lake.


From what I was told this is a duck that has shown up here at Lake Merritt for the past few years. Right now as far as anyone knows it's the only Tufted duck in California At the beginning of the winter migration this duck is well hidden in the Scaup, later it separates and swims alone. In late winter/early spring it can be found in the feeding area where the public feeds the birds.

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Alameda, California, USA

Spotted on Feb 6, 2013
Submitted on Feb 8, 2013

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