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Partridge Pea

Chamaecrista fasciculata


The flowering plants ( angiosperms ), also known as Angiospermae or Magnoliophyta, are the most diverse group of land plants. Etymologically, angiosperms, means a plant that produces seeds within an enclosure, in other words, a fruiting plant. Angiosperms, display a huge variety of life forms, including: trees, herbs, submerged aquatics, bulbs, and epiphytes. All important food plants, are angiosperms. The petals of these wildflowers, were yellow. There was some red coloring, in the center of these flowers. The leaves were green, and the ends were pointed. The green leaves, were opposite of each other. The green leaves, were lance-shaped.


Angiosperms, are found in almost every habitat, from forests and grasslands, to sea margins and deserts. These yellow wildflowers, were growing on a bush, in a wooded area, near the city of Poinciana.


I went bicycle riding in the country, near the city of Poinciana, to photograph wildflowers. I came upon some yellow wildflowers, that were growing wild, in a wooded area, near the city of Poinciana. These wildflowers, were growing from a bush. The petals of these wildflowers, were yellow. There were some red coloring, in the center of these yellow wildflowers. The leaves were green, and the ends were pointed. The green leaves, were lance-shaped. The green leaves, were opposite of each other.

1 Species ID Suggestions

MrsPbio 8 years ago
Partridge Pea
Chamaecrista fasciculata Partridge Pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata)

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1 Comment

MrsPbio 8 years ago

Too often considered a "weed", these lovely bushy wildflowers are in full bloom right now. It's the first Florida wildflower I ID'd after moving down here from Pennsylvania, so I'm quite fond of them. :)

Spotted by

Florida, USA

Spotted on Aug 18, 2015
Submitted on Aug 25, 2015

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