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Grasshawk Dragonfly

Neurothemis fluctuans


This dragonfly has a wingspan of 2 inches wide. It is quite small, with a maroon-colored body. The wings are maroon, but the edges are transparent. Its abdomen is long and thin, the reddish color getting darker to the tip.


I found this Grasshawk Dragonfly in Singapore Botanic Gardens. It was resting on a small plant. The climate there was cool and wet, since it just rained. I spotted it at 6:45 PM.


The Grasshawk Dragonfly is a species of dragonfly that is widespread in tropical Asia. Although it's very common, it is one of the striking species, because of its reddish coloration. Its habitats include parks and gardens. It is the most common species of dragonfly in Singapore.

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Singapore American School
Spotted by a stud ent at Singapore American School

Singapore, Singapore

Spotted on Mar 9, 2013
Submitted on Mar 10, 2013

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