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Agreeable Tiger Moth

Spilosoma congrua


A Beautiful White Tiger Moth: At 9:30 p.m. at night, I went outside to check if there were any moths at the outdoor, garage door night lights. I saw two, beautiful, white moths, resting under the outdoor, garage door night lights. There wings were resting flat against there body. It had a white, furry head. It had two white antennae. It had six, furry, white and black legs. It had white upper wings, with some black patches on them. This moth, was about one half of an inch long. The agreeable tiger moth, is one of three species of white tiger moths, which are common in the United States. Flight: April - August. Wingspan: ( 2.7 to 4.7 cm ). Order: Lepidoptera Family: Arctiidae Genus: Spilosoma Species: S. congrua Caterpillar hosts: Herbaceous plants, including dandelions, and pigweed. Larva has also been seen, boring into mushroom stems. These two white moths, were alive and able to fly. - There wings were in a tent-like position.


Habitat not reported! This species ranges throughout much of the eastern United States - from Florida north to and through Canada, and westward to Texas and Minnesota.


I saw two, beautiful, white moths, resting under the garage door light, at 9:30 p.m. at night. There wings were resting flat against there body. It had a white, furry head. It had two, white antennae. It had six, furry, white and black legs. The upper side of its wings, was white, with black patches on them. This white moth, was about one half of an inch long. These two white moths, were alive and able to fly. - There wings were in a tent-like position.

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Florida, USA

Spotted on Mar 10, 2016
Submitted on Mar 16, 2016

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