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Ring-billed gull

Larus delawarensis


The Ring-billed is a medium-sized gull with a fairly short, slim bill. When the gull perches, its long, slender wings extend well past its square-tipped tail. This gull takes three years to reach its breeding plumage; its appearance changes with each fall molt.


Ring-billed Gulls often congregate around humans, at garbage dumps, parking lots, and freshly plowed fields. While the species is common on coastal beaches, particularly during winter, many Ring-billed Gulls lead inland lives, never setting eyes on the sea.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Amy Welte
Amy Welte 8 years ago
Ring-billed Gull
Larus delawarensis

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1 Comment

Christine Y.
Christine Y. 8 years ago

Thanks Amy!

Christine Y.
Spotted by
Christine Y.

Connecticut, USA

Spotted on Aug 8, 2015
Submitted on Apr 20, 2016

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