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Northern Shoveler (male)

Anas clypeata


With its distinctive, large shovel like bill. "They use their highly specialized bill (from which their name is derived) to forage for aquatic invertebrates – a carnivorous diet. Their wide-flat bill is equipped with well-developed lamellae – small, comb-like structures on the edge of the bill that act like sieves, allowing the birds to skim crustaceans and plankton from the water's surface. This adaptation, more specialized in shovelers, gives them an advantage over other puddle ducks, with which they do not have to compete for food resources during most of the year. Thus, mud-bottomed marshes rich in invertebrate life are their habitat of choices."


Spotted at a wetland in Hong Kong

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Noel Buensuceso
Noel Buensuceso 11 years ago

Thanks Ashley!

AshleyT 11 years ago


Noel Buensuceso
Spotted by
Noel Buensuceso

南區 Southern District, 香港 Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR

Spotted on Jan 13, 2013
Submitted on May 5, 2013

Spotted for Mission

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