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This one is an elderly male. The fur-less skin on the face and the stance makes it appealingly human. Long rope-like tail (not seen in picture).


Forested areas which are being denuded forcing these animals to enter urban space...leading to conflicts. This one is sitting on the tin roof of a small shop on a busy road in Kolkata city.


This picture was taken as I was passing through a congested street and suddenly realized that there was a frisson...people were pointing. I looked around for the source of the excitement and saw him...and two females. Thankfully no one hurt the animals. He sat there on the rooftop of a small bakery while the females foraged a bit. I think people gave them bread. Gray Langur is revered as an incarnation of Hanuman, The Monkey God who is described in the Indian epic Ramayana. In Delhi they are "employed" to keep Rhesus monkeys away. ..they come to Government offices along with their handlers and spend the day just chilling! Their presence is enough to keep the monkeys at bay.

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Delhi, Delhi, India

Spotted on Sep 5, 2013
Submitted on Apr 29, 2014

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