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common bluebell

Hyacinthoides non-scripta


Hyacinthoides non-scripta is a perennial plant that grows from a bulb. It produces 3–6 linear leaves, all growing from the base of the plant, and each 7–16 millimetres (0.28–0.63 in) wide. An inflorescence of 5–12 (exceptionally 3–32) flowers is borne on a stem up to 500 mm (20 in) tall, which droops towards the tip; the flowers are arranged in a 1-sided nodding raceme. Each flower is 14–20 mm (0.55–0.79 in) long, with two bracts at the base, and the six tepals are strongly recurved at their tips.The tepals are violet–blue.The three stamens in the outer whorl are fused to the perianth for more than 75% of their length, and bear cream-coloured pollen.The flowers are strongly and sweetly scented.The seeds are black, and germinate on the soil surface.


Bluebells are a species of deciduous woodland over much of their range, flowering and leafing early before the canopy closes in late spring. They may also be found growing under bracken or Japanese knotweed, perennial plants which also form stands with a dense summer canopy.They are most successful on slightly acid soils;


As a species adapted to woodlands, the young shoots are able to penetrate through a thick layer of leaf litter, and bluebells are often used as an indicator species to identify ancient woodland.

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Scotland, United Kingdom

Spotted on Jun 8, 2013
Submitted on Jun 17, 2013

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