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Widow Skimmer Immature male

Libellula luctuosa


Mature males have dark patches bordered with white on both wings. Their abdomens tend to be blue turning to a dusty white as they reach maturity. Females and immature males are distinct. They lack the white wing patches of mature males, the thorax has a mid-dorsal yellow stripe and the dark abdomen that is edged with yellow. Both sexes perch on vegetation in fields and open areas. From their perches they fly up to capture prey.


Wildlife habitat yard by greenbelt.

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joanbstanley 10 years ago

Thank you.

Geodialist 10 years ago

This individual is an immature/young male.

Spotted by

Denton, Texas, USA

Spotted on Jun 4, 2013
Submitted on Jun 22, 2013

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