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African Striped Skink

Trachylepsis striata


This skink is brown or bronze coloured with two yellowish stripes that run lengthwise on either side of the spine. Both sexes grow to a length of 25 cm. The first four photos are a fully grown skink and photo number five shows a tiny skink, about 6-8 cm from head to tail.


In a public park with different trees and plats, urban environment. It was habitating a Flame tree.


I am very fascinated how the lizards know you are watching them. And they are very curious too, even if the escape up a tree, sooner or later they are taking a sneak peak to see where you are :) The species is widespread in southern Africa, including extreme southern Angola and Zambia, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and parts of central and eastern South Africa. Information about skinks in general: Most species of skinks have long, tapering tails they can shed if a predator grabs the tail. Such species generally can regenerate the lost part of a tail, though imperfectly. Species with stumpy tails have no special regenerative abilities.

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Tiz 10 years ago

Pradeep, Mona and injica, Thank you for your comments on my frog-like lizard :)

Pradeep Kumar
Pradeep Kumar 10 years ago

Nice spotting!

Mona Pirih
Mona Pirih 10 years ago

Nice series..

injica 10 years ago

cutie :)))

Spotted by

Maputo, Mozambique

Spotted on Jul 7, 2013
Submitted on Jul 8, 2013

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